Wednesday, January 20, 2010


passion. ah passion. passing it on. contrary to popular belief it is not that scene in that movie that makes your toes curl up. nor is it that couple. you know the one. the one that cant get enough of eachother. its not passion if its not being passed on. we cant keep it to ourselves. real honest true pure passion is rather catching. i dont look at it and wish i had it. i look at that kind of passion and decide to have it. its not inspirational. or uplifting. or happy. it can be. but lets not limit passion to this. i cant even write about it. cant wrap my head around it. or my heart. just cant grasp its catchingness. yes catchingness. when i feel that i feel it. when you feel it you see it. or do you see it and then feel. or is it yours. it can be. passion is for the bold. for the fearless. for the reckless and free. it cant be faked. it has to be free. we have to be free. no one is holding you captive but your own terrified mind. your trembling heart. passion does not hide. its shouts out at the very mountain tops that many fear to climb. but those many arent you. you climb that mountain. singing all the while. and dancing. dancing. dancing. never just walking. only skipping and jumping and stumbling and dancing. all with passion. if its real. pass it on.

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